Covid Update, Feb 2022

Select recording by library catalogue tag

You may select interviews on the subject you are interested in by drilling down using their BCA library catalogue tags. The size of the font depends on the relative number of interviews associated with the tag element. The 9 interviews with the tags UK and film are listed below.

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Interviewee Title Catalogue tags
Mike Wooding The Gaping Gill film (1) diving,film,UK,NW England
Mike Wooding The Gaping Gill film (2) diving,film,UK,NW England
Sid Perou Making "The Lost River of Gaping Gill" (1970) diving,film,UK,NW England
Sid Perou The start of a career as an adventure film maker film,history,UK,NW England
Gillian Luccock Filming in Pippikin Pot film,UK,NW England
Jim Eyre Filming in Lancaster Hole film,UK,NW England
Jack Pickup Filming "What a Way to Spend a Sunday" film,UK,NW England
Harry Long The Simpson archive 16 mm film film,UK,NW England
Jack Pickup Reminiscences of filming with Sid Perou film,UK,NW England